Tuesday, 7 June 2016


The Ghana Islamic Forum, as the name suggests, is an Islamic-based organization which comprises of a number of Muslim Youths in the country, mainly from the Middle Class. The primary aim of the organization is to essentially, champion a spirited campaign against the radicalization of Muslim Youth by unscrupulous religious zealots or extremists whose opprobrious enterprises erroneously tend to affront the sanctity of Islam. We seek to redirect the preoccupations of Ghanaian youth towards a progressive national orientation for love of Allah and country.
The Forum has observed with utter dismay, some worrying developments in the country following Ghana's decision to heed to the request by the US government for the relocation of two ex-Guantanamo detainees in the persons of Mahmoud Umar Bin Atef and Khalid Mohammed Salih to Ghana. This decision by our government has generated uneasy calm among Ghanaians with majority of the populace faulting government for deliberately failing to do wider consultation before arriving at such critical decision which has the tendency of jeopardizing the security of the entire country. We associate ourselves with these legitimate criticisms because we think that government has exhibited bad faith in its dealings with Ghanaians in this GITMO deal. The least said about the several half-truths and inconsistencies in government's inept rationalization of this manifest blunder, the better.
Ghanaians are generally disappointed and outraged at this unpopular decision by government to accommodate these ex-detainees in the country. The fears of Ghanaians have been aggravated by the attack on our next door neighbour, Burkina Faso last Saturday by al-Qaeda terrorists which claimed over 26 lives and injured many others. Who knows the next destination of these terrorists? Ghana should even be more worried especially now that our President has publicly stated that Ghana is an ally of the United States and is indeed harbouring two suspected terrorists under the request of the US government. US allies, according to the Late Osama Bin Laden are all legitimate targets for terrorist attacks so we should all be deeply worried.
These legitimate concerns of Ghanaians have been accentuated and corroborated by international security experts, civil society organizations, concerned Islamic scholars, opposition political parties as well as the Christian Council of Ghana, which has also been loudly critical of this decision. It is instructive to make the point that the outright rejection of these “suspected terrorists” by Ghanaians including the Christian council has nothing to do with the fact that the duo are Muslims. Not at all. In fact, it has everything to do with the fact that Ghanaians are security conscious and do not want an association with people that have, at a point in time been associated with terrorism because of the increasing notorious popularity of recidivism Worldwide.
It is in this light that the Ghana Islamic Forum is shocked and saddened by
certain comments purported to have been made by the spokesperson of the National Chief Imam in the person of Sheik Arimiyawo Shaibu to the effect that Ghanaians are refusing to welcome the ex- detainees because they are Muslims and proceeded to accuse the Christian community of xenophobia against Islam. We find this statement very unfortunate and wish to unreservedly condemn same in no uncertainly terms because it has the tendency of polarizing this country along religious lines. Terrorism is a global problem which knows no religion and that is why Muslims and for that matter Mosques are also being attacked by these evil people called, terrorists.
We wish to conclude by once again making a passionate appeal to our politicians and religious leaders to be extra circumspect in their public pronouncements as far as this sensitive issue is concerned for love of God and country. They must not plunge this country into unnecessary chaos even as the nation explores avenues to righting the wrongs of the government which has jeopardized our national security. We, the youth of Ghana and Ghanaians in general are concerned about the future of this country and we would not hesitate in naming and shaming any religious leader or politician whose egregious attitude, we find very inimical to the interest of Ghana in the circumstance.
Long live the Ghana Islamic Forum
Long live Mother Ghana
Thank you.
Spokesperson, Ghana Islamic Forum (GIF)
Murtala Shamima
Research Officer, Ghana Islamic Forum

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