Thursday, 1 September 2016



There cannot be an exaggeration of the indispensable role the JUDICIARY plays in our democratization and constitutional regime as an Arm of Government. Indeed, the Judiciary remains the pillar upon which our democracy revolves and the stronger it is, the more secured we are and the vice versa. Our judges are therefore very important players in this discussion and must be revered as such. It is not for nothing that we call them the LORDS on earth; because they dispense justice or pass judgment on our actions and have the sole authority to determine whether we are deserving of freedom or otherwise. Also, Ghana’s claim of being the oasis of democracy and beacon of hope on the continent is backed by our unconditional respect for the Rule of Law and for that matter an efficacious judicial system. 

However, this enviable narrative is gradually changing in view of the increasing bastardization of the JUDICIARY by some maverick politicians in recent times, who call the bluff of everybody because they have political power. As a young democrat, I’m highly saddened by this worrying development which has the propensity to ERODE public confidence in our JUDGES and thus subject the administration of justice into disrepute. My apprehension is even more aggravated by the increasing incidences of injustices, maladministration and impunity we see in this country nowadays. It is a fact that when people lose confidence in the judicial system, which is the one and only last resort in our pursuit for justice, then surely, CHAOS and ANARCHY will become the order of the day. And this can be akin to a JUNGLE where RULE OF MEN takes precedence over RULE OF LAW. In such banana republic (jungle), people tend to seek justice on the STREETS rather than the COURTS. 

Mind you, President Mahama, by freeing the notorious muntie gangs, is essentially telling us that when a political party is in government, the footsoldiers of that party can get away with all offenses they commit including those that are of criminal in nature. So I guess we should all get ready to witness more lawlessness, injustices and impunity from the supporters of the governing party, because even if the court convicts them, they will be freed by the President under a so called “Prerogative of Mercy”. By this, if any Ghanaian has a LEGITIMATE CASE against any member of the president’s family, a high ranking government/NDC official, a minister of state, or even a son of a district chief executive, he/she has to let go of the case because he/she CANNOT get justice anywhere in this country. Even when “NDC lawyers” lose their case in court, they only have to petition the President to reverse the court’s decision as we saw in muntie 3. I doubt this is the kind of Ghana our forebears sacrificed their lives for. 

Our President is suggesting to us that he is more powerful than the courts and can OVERTURN their decision anytime he desires. If Supreme Court judges themselves cannot get justice in a matter involving NDC activists, then who am I, the son of an ordinary “wakye” seller to seek to enforce my constitutional right when same is trampled upon by these so called super Ghanaians? Obviously, the dictum, EQUALITY BEFORE THE LAW, only exists in our dreams or in other jurisdiction but surely NOT in this country. Indeed, Almighty ALLAH is and remains our ultimate judge and He would never disappoint mankind in the administration of justice and more.  

The BNI, which is supposed to enforce the law to the latter, has rather regrettably, been the number one culprit of lawlessness and conduit for the perpetuation of what I call, government-sponsored injustices and persecutions. For instance, in the specific case of the muntie 3 brouhaha, we have a married man, whose testicular organ is functioning properly as evidenced in the children it has been able to produce, threatens to open his zip and rape a woman in the person of the Chief Justice; yet, this shameless BNI tells us that this strong man does not have CAPACITY to execute his threat of rape. Which capacity is the BNI talking about under the circumstances? How preposterous! Then I guess the BNI should be telling us who impregnates the wife of this man. In any case, our constitution clearly states that a threat to commit a criminal offence (which includes rape and murder) is itself, a criminal offence regardless of CAPACITY so called. 

I doubt anybody has ever thought that, that innocent looking young man who murdered Hon. JB Danquah at his private residence, had the capacity to commit such dastardly act. Is the BNI rewriting our laws? The BNI is also telling us that Kennedy Agyapong has the capacity to declare war in this country and hence slapped him with charges of terrorism and genocide but the muntie 3 do not have the capacity to rape a woman or kill some Supreme Court judges. This is in spite of the fact our constitution clearly says that it is ONLY the President of the Republic that can declare war in this country. Surprised? Please don’t be… because this is exactly what to expect when our PROFESSIONALS decide to jettison the very ethics of their profession and allow themselves to be used by politicians for political expediency. I weep for my motherland.  

My greatest disappointment is with His Excellency the President, who has on countless occasions, spoken against fierce criticisms or what he describes as verbal attacks at the person of Madam Charlotte Osei, the Chairperson of the EC but has not, I repeat, has not on anyday, found the need to call his supporters, who have consistently attacked the JUDICIARY, to order. Not even their threat to kill and rape our judges could make president Mahama break his loud silence on this opprobrious agenda of bastardizing the judiciary by his own. Perhaps, on the lighter side, my friend was right when he says the acronym, JDM stands for Judges Don’t Matter. He perhaps forgets that these were the same judges that ruled in his favour in the historic Election Petition which gave him the presidency. Same can be also said about the likes of Nana Oye Lithur, the Gender Minister, Hannah Tetteh (Foreign Affairs minister) and co. who would always defend the EC Chair but see nothing wrong about attacks on the Chief Justice and other women of substance. 

Madam Chief Justice and the rest of our law lords, I wish to encourage you to keep doing your best against all these odds for the love of God and country. The Executive Arm of Government may not be supportive of your cause but I can assure you that the likes of us and indeed the rest of Ghana are strongly behind you. We shall stand by you in thick and in thin. We shall fight for you even at the peril of our lives because the JUDICIARY is and remains our ONLY hope of living in a JUST society. We may look relatively weaker in the physical realm but surely, we are NOT weak when it comes to using our hearts and minds to fight for our conviction. 

Assalamu alaikum

This piece was compiled by a concerned Ghanaian in the business of OCCUPYING HEARTS and MINDS for the love of God and country.


Youth Activist/Social Commentator
Former NUGS Secretary


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