Tuesday, 20 September 2016



A lot, I have said already in your honour, Mr. President but I still cannot finish the laudation because it is inexhaustible. For some particular reasons, let me begin with this quote from my recent write-up on the NUGS brouhaha "We must all realize that life does not begin and end with NUGS. In fact, there is a better life after NUGS once one is able to serve well when giving the mandate".

Your tenure as the 48th NUGS... President, where I served as the general secretary, gave real meaning to the above quote. Ideologically, you and I belonged to different schools of thought, but we always found a common ground in our collective pursuit of the STUDENT CAUSE and that got us going at all-time. 

How I wish this story could be told of all NUGS administrations but that, I doubt very much, especially, if we were to take the current administration as a case study; where almost every press statement came with a disclaimer. How sad! Prosper Dzitse, you were able to unite all your executives and made it look as if, we never had internal wrangling and disagreements. We were very conscious of the impression we created for ourselves from the outside.

No wonder we achieved so much and moved our beloved union to an enviable pedestal to the extent of clinching the coveted title as the most effective and organised student union in Africa. I am humbled to be associated with the DZITSE SUCCESS STORY in the enterprise of student activism. May NUGS be blessed with more Prosper Dzitses for progress and prosperity.

On the occasion of birthday, I am pleased to join the rest of the World in wishing you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I wish you the very best in all your endeavours. CHEERS Mr. President and stay blessed.

Assalamu alaikum

48th NUGS General Secretary
Student/Youth Activist

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