Monday, 24 October 2016


24th October, 2016 


Monumental disappointment, shock, incomprehension and befuddlement were the clear writings on the faces of the thousands of patrons that stormed the Accra International Conference Centre last night to witness the GRAND FINALE of the 2016 edition of TV3 Ghana’s Most Beautiful. I’m sure same was experienced by viewers at home because the programme was carried live on TV3. What was meant to be the CLIMAX of an otherwise award winning entertaining and educative enterprise (GMB), astonishingly, ended up becoming the ANTICLIMAX of the whole caboodle and this, I say without any shred of equivocation. 

Indeed, this is the only INEVITABLE CONCLUSION that every discerning mind would arrive at upon following the trend of events in respect of this year’s contest. This confusion and brouhaha follows the bombshell of an announcement by the judges to the effect that YABA, the Western Regional Representative is the ULTIMATE WINNER and for that matter the 2016 Beauty Queen. The overwhelming verdict, which was overtly manifest is that this lady (YABA) was NOT even deserving to be among the top 3; let alone, to run away with the coveted crown. As a matter of fact, the kind of reception that greeted this announcement speaks volume to the infamy of judges’ decision. 

I have, for the past 3 years, attended the grand finales of GMB at the conference centre and thus, physically witnessed the kind of mounting-moving and electrifying ambience that is often generated at the conference centre when such mega announcements are made. What happened yesterday however, is a complete departure from this convention as over 90% of the audience were in unenviable state of shock, bewilderment and agitation. I personally spoke with some of the 2016 contestants and previous ones, all of whom expressed similar disbelief at this anomaly.  

I am particularly disappointed that this happened in GMB, which to many, is the finest and most credible pageant show in the country until yesterday’s anticlimax, which coincidentally happens to be the 10th anniversary. Well, I am not an ardent follower of pageantry and showbiz in general except GMB and the shameful spectacle I witnessed last night at the GMB finals is only going to reinforce my nonchalance for the industry. Indeed, I am now, more than ever, convinced that the animal called CORRUPTION is not only a governance issue, but a deleterious social canker which has permeated every facet of our national life and has eroded our moral fibre. 

So what are the relevant facts regarding the contentious 2016 GMB? Out of the 5 finalists, 3 were consistently outstanding throughout the 13 weeks. They include, BADU of A/R, AKOS of E/R, and HIBA of N/R and this is evidenced in the fact that these trio have justifiably swept almost all the ‘STAR PERFORMER’ Award especially BADU and AKOS. In fact, BADU, who also happened to be my favourite, came first in terms of performance on the last day. So, under the circumstances, everybody expected one of these 3 ladies to emerge as the eventual winner. 

If the primary criterion is NOT about performance but votes, the trio never performed badly at all especially AKOS and HIBA, who consistently obtained the highest votes, at least per the VOTING CHART except if we are going to be told that the voting chart is merely cosmetic. Why should vote even be the primary consideration for selecting a GMB winner, if indeed that was the case? Is the GMB crown now for sale to the highest bidder? How incredulous! 

From the foregoing, it required no gift of clairvoyance for one to know that YABA, the western regional rep was miles away from the CROWN. The only possible reasonable reason for her triumph is that, she was representing the western region, which is the only region, with the exception of B/A, that has never won the GMB contest until yesterday. This “ONE REGION, ONE CROWN” principle employed by the organizers of this otherwise enviable reality show (TV3 GMB), I find, highly PROBLEMATIC.

So it is no more anchored on the principle of MERITOCRACY but one of REGIONAL BALANCE, as if we are talking about a political party. How disappointing! I can, in the light of this, perfectly extrapolate that B/A, which is now the only stand-alone region without crown, would win next year’s contest to complete the absurdity. Well, BADU, AKOS and HIBA may not have won the favour of the judges, but they have surely won the HEARTS and MINDS of every follower of the 2016 GMB. They are our true BEAUTY QUEENS. TV3 GMB has undoubtedly, suffered a debilitating setback this year which is culminating in a significant erosion of its credibility.

I don’t know about you but as for me, I’ve TERMINATED my “contract” with GMB following that disappointing turn of events last night. Not only that, I would also launch a campaign against this Reality Show moving forward. I would discourage all my friends and associates from participating or investing their scarce resources and time into this “sham” until all the wrongs are RIGHTED. This is because as a progressive mind, I cannot be associated with an UNJUST enterprise and would not encourage anybody to embrace same. 

Ghanaians certainly deserve better from TV 3.

Thank you.


Former admirer of GMB

Kindly share….



  1. Massa u say's a sham ... tv3 lost their credibility yesternight...

  2. Sour losers will never shut up. As long as it doesn't go their way, they will analyze and find fault where there is none, even to the point of blindness. It's your opinion and your blog so let me leave you to beat your 'credibility' drum Mr incorruptible. While at it, find out from tv3 if Yaba was ever adjudged a star performer.

  3. Is this same,"if it's not our way then it's evil" attitude you have used in destroying NUGS. Good luck in taking it to other institutions.

  4. Very pathetic to hear poeple criticizing tv3 for crowning Yaba the most beautiful in season 10. I hope u can tell me the number of times each of the performers have won; star performers, elequancy and most discipline during the 13wks. And compare their voting as well and u will realize u have nothing to talk about but a mere hatred for the one u weren't expected to win.
    Pls, we are fed up with your tribal polarization in our national politics so don't bring it here as well.
    If my memory serves me rt about point of been distributing the crown equally among the regions then why, some have got twice n others none.
    Pls, the crown is given to who deserves n not who your favorite is. U will keep on feel disappointed in life bcos it won't always go your way.

  5. Very pathetic to hear poeple criticizing tv3 for crowning Yaba the most beautiful in season 10. I hope u can tell me the number of times each of the performers have won; star performers, elequancy and most discipline during the 13wks. And compare their voting as well and u will realize u have nothing to talk about but a mere hatred for the one u weren't expected to win.
    Pls, we are fed up with your tribal polarization in our national politics so don't bring it here as well.
    If my memory serves me rt about point of been distributing the crown equally among the regions then why, some have got twice n others none.
    Pls, the crown is given to who deserves n not who your favorite is. U will keep on feel disappointed in life bcos it won't always go your way.
