Sunday, 21 May 2017



By Iddi Muhayu-Deen

The Ministry of Information, per its mandate, is the official mouthpiece of the government of the Republic, as it exists to facilitate free flow of adequate, timely and reliable information and feedback between government and the public for socio-economic empowerment and enhanced democratic citizenship. It was established with the vision to attain a free, united, informed and prosperous society through Development Communications.

That is why the Ministry, inter alia, exercises oversight responsibility over all the State Agencies involved in the enterprise of information dissemination including the Information Service Department (ISD), the Ghana News Agency (GNA), the Ghana Broadcasting Cooperation (GBC), the Graphic Communications Group Limited (GCGL), the New Times Corporation (NTC) and the Ghana Publishing Company Limited (GPCL).

It is however; quite regrettable to note that the Ministry has in recent past, completely lost focus. It departed sharply from the very principle underpinning its establishment. It metamorphosed from an Information hub to a propaganda hub, where only stories that made government look good, including embellishment and exaggeration of facts, were told. You would recall for instance that, a certain Deputy Information Minister, Baba Jamal, under an NDC government, went round the country, telling ISD workers to jettison the ethics of their profession and engage in government propaganda.

He was caught pants down on tape, telling these civil servants that if the government bought a goat, they should say, it was a cow and that, if the goat is black, they should say, it was white. That's how badly petty, the NDC government reduced the Information Ministry to. And to make matters worse, President Mahama, at some point, infused the Information Ministry into the Ministry of Communications and gave it to his chief propagandist, Dr. Omane Boamah and the likes of Felix Ofosu Kwakye, Sam George and other "babies with sharp teeth", to handle.

They left the Information Ministry building, which also houses the ISD national secretariat, to rot. The other five Agencies under the Ministry did not receive any serious attention from Omane Boamah and his lieutenants in the propaganda business. These Agencies were also deprived of the much needed cash/resources to make them effective, as monies meant for them, were redirected into remunerating government/party [NDC] communicators. That was the SAD STORY of the Ministry of Information under the NDC government.

But, just as every coin has a silver lining, so, is this Ministry. I say without doubt that, the appointment of Hon. Mustapha Abdul-Hamid and his deputies to take charge of the ministry, has proven to give the ministry, a refreshing silver lining. These appointees of the President, have succeeded in bringing the Information Ministry back on track in order to focus on its primary mandate. The ministry has thus, been rebranded from a perceived propaganda outfit of government into a body, with special focus on Development Communication.

This is of course, consistent with Hon. Mustapha Hamid's promise to transform the Ministry of Information when he appeared before the Appointments Committee of Parliament. Not only that, he has also been able to make a strong case for significant budgetary allocation to the Information Ministry in the 2017 budget, which is in unprecedented levels. A chunk of the money, he says, would be channeled into resuscitating all the Agencies under his Ministry to make them effective and efficient.

It is also very instructive to note that the Information Ministry, under Mustapha Hamid, does not explain government's policies to the people, so that, they become the "dumping ground" for government stories. Instead, government, through the Information Ministry, engages stakeholders and the general public in the making of policies and in the implementation of same. In other words, the Ministry of Information, provides a platform for the active participation of the private sector especially captains of industries, heads of government MDAs and the general public in the making of government policies.

To this end, the Ministry is organizing POLICY SUMMITS at the national level and across the country, in the regions and districts. These policy summits, allow you and I, to, on regular basis, interrogate proposed government policies, make recommendations for necessary amendments to the policies and also monitor the implementation regime of those policies. I'm sure you are aware that the maiden edition of the National Policy Summit was held on May, 15 and 16 at the Accra International Conference Centre.

The Summit focused on the economy; so, it was attended by all the people that matter as far as the nation's economy is concerned including His Excellency the Vice President, the Senior Minister, the Finance Minister and his deputies, Trade Minister and his deputies, Energy Minister and his deputies, the governor of Bank of Ghana, Head of BOST, Head of NPA, Representatives of the Association of Ghana Industries (AGI), Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), Consumer Protection Agency, ACEP, Association of Bankers, Tullow Oil, PURC, GRA, the Telecos, CAGD, Organized Labour, Ghana Chamber of Commerce, Development Partners as well as ordinary citizens, to explore mutually beneficial means of achieving the nation's economic objectives.

Certainly, this is a very commendable novelty instituted by the Mustapha-led Information Ministry, which has demystified the enterprise of governance. Beyond this, I can also confirm to you that the Ministry has instituted a special dispensation that would see the Information Minister or his deputies, together with officials of the Ministry, embark on regular familiarization visits to State Owned Agencies as well as Public Corporations in order to have first-hand information of their working conditions and be able to make a strong case for them at the highest level of government, where policies are formulated.

This is exactly what you get when you have a Mustapha Hamid as your Information Minister. This is exactly what you get when you have a Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, a Perry Okudjeto and an Ama Dokua as your Deputy Information Ministers. You just can't ask for more. With this, you would agree with me that the Information Ministry is arguably, the busiest in the Akufo-Addo government. I have very close association with the Ministry and so, I know what I'm talking about. I am also very confident that, all the people that had issues with the President's appointment of 3 Deputy Information Ministers, are beginning to revise their notes.

For your information, Hon. Kojo Oppong Nkrumah is in charge of government policy, research and advocacy, whereas Hon. Perry Okudzeto handles general operations of the Ministry and organization of the media to cover government programmes. Hon. Ama Dokua on her part, exercises direct supervisory role over all the six (6) Agencies under the Information Ministry. You can see clearly that, this cannot be likened to what we call, "jobs for the boys" and that, there is every justification for the appointment of the three deputies because each of them is as busy as anyone would expect.

One other unique attribute of Hon. Mustapha Abdul-Hamid that is worth mentioning, is his commitment to maintaining a TRUE TONGUE and becoming the most HONEST Information Minister in the history of this Republic. He has proven beyond equivocation that he is committed to the "Ghana Project" rather than an "NPP or Partisan Project" in the discharge of his duties and responsibilities as Minister of Information. He churns out nothing but the truths and facts, at all-time, for the love of country.

Maybe this has everything to do with his beliefs as a religious scholar and lecturer in religious studies. Maybe not. He is very truthful and honest to the Ghanaian people. I'm sure you heard him recently on joy fm, "faulting" his colleague Minister of State, Hon. Boakye Agyarko (Minister of Energy) on the 'Addison committee and Ameri furore', where he described the whole setup as indiscrete and not proper. That is the hallmark of an honest Information Minister. I bet you, you won't get this from an Omane Boamah of Information Minister or a Felix Ofosu Kwakye. Hell NO...

In conclusion, fellow countrymen and women, I say, in all sincerity that, Hon. Mustapha Abdul-Hamid, together with his hardworking deputies, would forever be remembered for bringing honesty to bare in the workings of the Information Ministry and in the dissemination of government information for that matter. They would also be remembered for successfully transforming and rebranding the Ministry of Information from a propaganda enterprise to an enterprise of Development Communication for the love of God and country. This is an objective assessment of the current Ministry of Information by a citizen NOT a spectator.

Assalamu alaikum

Iddi Muhayu-Deen 

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